We currently only ship within Canada.
We currently only ship within Canada.
Orders placed before 12pm PST Monday – Friday will typically ship the same day.
Orders placed over the weekend or on recognised holidays will typically ship the next business day.
Orders placed before 12pm PST Monday – Friday will typically ship the same day.
Orders placed over the weekend or on recognised holidays will typically ship the next business day.
All shipping costs are charged at checkout.
All shipping costs are charged at checkout.
Postage typically takes 2 - 8 business days.
Estimated arrival dates are not guaranteed. Weather delays and other unforeseen circumstances may impact delivery time.
Postage typically takes 2 - 8 business days.
Estimated arrival dates are not guaranteed. Weather delays and other unforeseen circumstances may impact delivery time.
Packages marked as returned to sender, and/or sent back to us without an authorised return label will be treated as returns and subject to the ordinary conditions of returns. Original shipping costs will not be refunded. You are welcome to place an updated order with corrected information at your convenience.
Packages marked as returned to sender, and/or sent back to us without an authorised return label will be treated as returns and subject to the ordinary conditions of returns. Original shipping costs will not be refunded. You are welcome to place an updated order with corrected information at your convenience.
If you believe that your order has experienced a delay in shipment that exceeds the normal processing and shipment time, please contact the respective courier with your tracking information. Please contact us if there is no resolution.
If you believe that your order has experienced a delay in shipment that exceeds the normal processing and shipment time, please contact the respective courier with your tracking information. Please contact us if there is no resolution.
Any packages with delivery confirmation from the shipping vendor are the sole responsibility of the consumer.
Any packages with delivery confirmation from the shipping vendor are the sole responsibility of the consumer.